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communication & IR
Integrated marketing
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Corporate communication & IR
Countless times each day, companies attempt to influence the perceptions of their stakeholders through ad campaigns, conference calls, press releases, brochures, banner ads and many more.
And, countless times each day, these messages are ignored.

It is an unfortunate waste of resources, really. So much time, effort and money spent to create and disseminate information that few pay any attention to. The problem, most often, is that these communications are basically the same, which makes them easy to ignore. People hesitate to take chances on new media, new messages and new styles of communication. The result is an endless deluge of corporate propaganda that fails to differentiate one company from another.

Lucre Beyond refuses to play that game. Our reputation has been built on taking risks, and part of our client experience is encouraging our customers to take risks with their own communications - for the simple reason that if they do not, then their communications stand more chance of being ignored. We encourage honesty and transparency. We subscribe to the view that stakeholders appreciate a clear view inside a company's culture and operations, and that such disclosure is rewarded with the trust of the markets. Connecting with people in a way that creates value, whether in terms of revenues, talent, competencies or loyalty, begins with an honest narrative delivered in a memorable way.